I then proceeded out the door towards the library. The bus pulled up right as I arrived at the stop. It was my day. When I came back home it also pulled up right away. I was happy. At the library Nanci took a picture of me by the statue I remember from when I was a kid. It used to be downstairs in the main entryway before the rennovation, but has been moved up stairs. I had her take my picture by it.
After I got my two books we went to Whitey's to get ice cream. I don't know if I spelled that correctly, but at least I know what it means. We then went to the old capitol and ate it and talked. There were some skateboarders there; they were pretty good. I thought that they were wearing girls pants, but Nanci insisted that they were just a style of boys. It doesn't really matter what they were wearing I guess. All I know is that there is no way I'd ever be capable of the stunts they were performing.
Nanci and I always have good talks when we go to the old cap. The stairs are her favorite spot, and I really like them as well. There is just an aura about the place; and I don't think it is because of the tour guide saying that it is like the Lion King. That is just something that is really lame, and whoever thought of that idea should be fired.
I'm drinking a Coke Zero now. It is good. I started Tuesdays with Morrie on the bus ride home. It is going to be my kind of book. I've uploaded a picture of Nanci and I. She took the first one but her finger was over the flash, and I had to take the second one. Anyways it is nature naptime in a few hours, and I want to log a few more pages.
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