Anyways I got her a ring. She wasn't really expecting it; I told her I didn't spend much because I didn't have very much money (which was true at the time). Here I guess is how I gave it to her.
I wrote her night out on seven cards; each had a little rhyme in it saying what she'd do next. I think she liked it; probably more so what was on the cards than the cards themselves, but I'll mention a few of what they are.
Her ring was put inside the puzzle I got made; she loves puzzles so I had a picture of us from Florida put on one. She didn't see the ring until all the pieces were out. I truly think she would have been happy with the gift without the ring due to her expression, but I'm glad how excited she got about the ring after she found it.
Dinner was amazing; even though we had to wait a bit. I think we would have been fine but we went just after the basketball game got out. After we got back we watched a movie :-) and then went downtown to see one of her best friends for a bit.
The last few cards were fun; we had dessert and champagne, and then she got a nice candle lit bubble bath. I think she liked it. That was pretty much the night; she said it was perfect. I'm glad I could finally do something right!
I am glad things are going well with her. All her friends want to "borrow" me :-). I guess when you get to start over you get a new chance to show who you really are; finally I get to be taken for who I am now, and not who I was in my first few years of college.
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