I think the weather finally has turned. Snow no more. I think winter is my least favorite season. Summer and spring are tied, but fall is the best. I am already excited for the nice weather though! It looks like this year is going to be a lot of fun. This week should be great. The Rocket Summer is coming to Iowa City Wednesday… now I just need to find someone who will go with me. I have someone who said, “Yes” but who knows what will happen. I’m excited though! Woot.
I went to Avenue Q yesterday. That was also a lot of fun. It was very good; I think from it I realized that we all go through the same events (more or less) in life, but we just experience them in different ways. I don’t know what to think though. Should I defy that? Should I just accept the things that are all true to each life we live? Right now I say, “No”. But right now is just a snapshot. Things will change as I get older and the importance of different things changes. Shrug! I’m pretty content with where I’m at right now.
Time for bed!